PR On Demand: $199.00 A Month
*All packages are fully customizable to suit clients’ needs.
• PR- PRO Review
Have access to your publicist when you need it. You can email up to 3 PR Brand related inquiries for a professional publicist to review and advise you every month. (terms and conditions apply)
• PR on Demand
Experience top-notch quality PR services precisely when you need them, with PR on Demand. Say goodbye to hefty monthly retainer fees and hello to a tailored approach that may work better for you. PR on demand allows you to get the specific service(s) you need at a 25% discounted rate as a valued client.
• PR-Promo Push
Exciting News! If you have something major coming up, our PR Promo Push is here to support your brand’s visibility and reach. This exclusive offer allows you to send one social media image or graphic per month to be promoted through the Industry Certified network of online platforms. All promotional material will be reviewed and approved by our company prior to the push, ensuring that the brand message is communicated effectively and professionally.

LevelUP: $595.00 Per Month
*All packages are fully customizable to suit clients’ needs.
• PR Consultation
As a valued client you will receive one on one bi-weekly brand consultation personalized to fit your needs. Professional PR consultation is designed to assist you with enhancing your overall brand representation. Our approach is strategic, methodic, and well crafted to drive your vision.
• Professional EPK
Bio/One Sheet/Fact Sheet/Pictures that is consistent with brand positioning and designed to optimize media opportunities for local, regional, and national press coverage.
• Press Release(s)
Industry Certified PR will create, develop, and distribute a professionally written press release with specific key angle, points, and brand positioning conducive to national media outlets to maximize your brand exposure through extensive media platforms, relations, and PR. Press release distribution will consist of all news, publications, TV, radio, online, and social media networks.
• Social PUSH
Our team of highly trained social media experts will work with you to increase your brand awareness, content consultation, and social media engagement to build an organic fan base. Social PUSH involves strategic engagement across all social media platforms such as: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and other key social media networks that require high quality engagement and consistent interaction that is crafted and designed to jumpstart your social media presence and numbers.
• Media Training
You will be assigned a Public Relations Specialist who will work with you one-on-one via personal consultation to prepare you for how to properly handle media inquiries. Media training shall consist of in-depth Q&A for multiple levels of media, articulation of vision, topics, issues, and points of discussion that lead to overall enhanced image and brand perception.
• Media Pitch (Secure placement(s) w/Media)
Our Level UP package includes a range of 3-5 online media placements per month and pitching up to 10 media outlets per 30 day cycle. This plan is developed to establish a media footprint and launch the beginning stages of building a successful media portfolio that represents the emergence of your brand awareness and relevance. Our objective is to bring your brand to the forefront of elite industry tastemakers and influencers. (All media placement(s) are including but not limited to: radio, television, blogs, online, news media, and local/regional/national press coverage.)

Starlife: $1,095.00 Per Month
*Includes levelUP PR and Media Services
• PR Consultation
As a valued client you will receive one on one bi-weekly brand consultation personalized to fit your needs. Professional PR consultation is designed to assist you with enhancing your overall brand representation. Our approach is strategic, methodic, and well crafted to drive your vision.
• Image Management
You will be assigned a Public Relations specialist who will work with you and your team to develop your total brand image via one-on-one personal consultation. PR image management is by conceptual design for branding purposes to create the ultimate image and total brand presentation including but not limited to working with photographers, stylists, hair designers, clothing designers, and image apparel and accessories. Our goal to establish a brand image that encompasses long-term brand sustainability.
• Regional/National Media Placements
Starlife includes pitching your brand to 15-25 major media outlets per month; specifically designed for talent who has already successfully emerged into the industry as a recognized brand. Our public relations specialists will target larger national media platforms with a broader reach and audience to expand the brand notoriety and equity. (All media placements are including but not limited to: radio, television, blogs, online, news media and local/regional/national press coverage.)
• Content Design, Creation, and Development
When you have a great idea that needs to be developed, enhanced, or simply created. Our team of creative thinkers, writers, and editors will work diligently on your behalf to translate your ideas and thoughts into proof of concept. The content we create is viable brand content that can be used professionally for many purposes such as website content, fliers, brochures, newsletters, white papers and blog posts.

Iconic: $2,495.00 Per Month
*Includes all LevelUP & StarLife services
• PR Consultation
As a valued client you will receive one on one bi-weekly brand consultation personalized to fit your needs. Professional PR consultation is designed to assist you with enhancing your overall brand representation. Our approach is strategic, methodic, and well crafted to drive your vision.
• National PR and Marketing
Includes special events, public affairs, and corporate and social responsibility. Your publicist will personally attend and represent your brand to major media at industry related events. (Package does not include travel and lodging expenses) Your PR rep will be responsible for scheduling and coordinating a press media run on your behalf with all media personnel in the market. PR rep shall prepare and issue statements on your behalf to service all media in attendance.
• National Media
Iconic includes up to 50 national media placements per month; specifically designed and targeted for talent who has already successfully emerged into the industry as a recognizable brand. Our public relations specialist will target only national media platforms with a broader reach and audience to expand the brand notoriety, equity, and monetization. (All media placements are including but not limited to: radio, television, blogs, online, news media and local/regional/national press coverage.)
• Mega Brand Xposure- International
Iconic IB focuses on elevating your brand to a distinct level of international recognition, media exposure, and monetization while providing substantial equity to leverage greater media opportunities. We will retool, craft, and reposition your international branding message. You will be assigned a team of professionally trained PR specialists who will all be working together on your behalf in a very concentrated effort to push your brand internationally. IB initiates and nurtures strategic partnerships and business relationships on a diverse series of international platforms. Iconic is the ultimate machinery for high visibility, cutting edge, mega-brand packaging for brands positioned to become an international superstar.
• Brand Monetization
Industry Certified PR will aggressively pursue major sponsorship opportunities to monetize your brand and accelerate conversion of equity into sales revenue. We will accomplish this by securing national and international media sponsorships, endorsements, product placements, and mainstream business opportunities that will translate into revenue. We will be seeking high-end dollar deals that represent your brand and provide long-term career sustainability.